The astonishing story of one man's journey from Communist oppression to ultimate trading freedom can show YOU...

How to Overthrow Soul-Crushing Losses and Gain Ultimate Freedom!

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In this amazing new book, hedge fund specialist Tomas Nesnidal -- known to the trading world as "Mr. Breakouts" -- describes the events that brought him from the darkness of totalitarian domination to the pinnacle of trading success. His breakthrough provides YOU with the exact blueprint to accomplish all your financial and personal goals, too!

Take a look at some of the topics Tomas covers in
  The BreakOut Trading Revolution:

  • From Oppression to Freedom: How a simple mindset shift opens to door to "impossible" changes.
  • ​The universal Mr. Breakouts Formula: Tomas describes the brilliant insight that led to this simple, timeless formula. Once you learn this approach, you can build breakout strategies in any market, quickly and easily.
  • Why Tomas specializes in breakout trading: There are tremendous benefits to specialization. Most traders bounce from idea to idea, just as Tomas did early in his trading career. Discover how the power and simplicity of breakout trading changed his life... and it can do the same for you!
  • The Automation Revolution: Starting with a Commodore 64 from behind the Iron Curtain, here's how Tomas learned to use computer automation to create his "hands-free" trading system.
  • BreakOut Trading Revolution Code: The book includes the code you need to get started developing and testing your own breakout strategies... no programming skills required!
  • Strategy examples from multiple markets: Tomas covers actual back test and forward analysis on several markets, so you can see exactly what you can expect when you develop your strategies.
  • Case study interviews: Hear from Mr. Breakouts' most successful students... they were once where you are now! These stories prove that anything is possible when you apply the Mr. Breakouts Formula!

Plus You Get These Great Bonuses!

  • MR. BREAKOUTS MODEL WORKBOOK (PDF) --  Exercises and best practices for implementing the Mr. Breakouts model in your trading.
  • HOW TO CROSS-VALIDATE BREAKOUT STRATEGIES (VIDEO) -- A complete walk-through on how to carry out a cross-market validation.
  • THE BREAKOUT TRADING REVOLUTION SAMPLE CODE -- Breakout trading code in downloadable format.
  • ENTRY TO THE BETTER TRADER ACADEMY COMMUNITY -- Our "guerrilla army" of rebel traders committed to creating ultimate freedom!

What Traders Say About The BreakOut Trading Revolution Book


About the Author

Tomas Nesnidal, a.k.a. Mr. Breakouts, has been a full-time trader for over 11 years, specializing in Breakout strategies. He is a co-founder of Better Trader Academy, and author of the Systems on the Road podcast.

He originally comes from the Czech Republic. As a youth, Tomas watched the Velvet Revolution unfold in his home country. Since then, he has traveled to 65 countries, trading from his laptop, and living his Ultimate Freedom.

In 2017, Tomas launched his own Hedge Fund specializing in breakout trading techniques. Today he manages multiple 7-figure portfolios for institutional clients, while also supporting average traders to achieve outstanding trading success! 

DISCLAIMER: Trading involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for everyone. People can and do lose money. 
Hypothetical results have many inherent limitations. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
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